So we have been doing online learning for about two months now, and recently it's been hard. Not the online teaching, I have become accustomed to it and like the way the kids are engaging one another and how we all bounce ideas together. In many ways, they are teaching me through conversations, observations, and actions as this way of life is new for everyone. But the social aspect.
I am having a lot of trouble with the lack of social interaction in person, I miss the human connection, I miss play sports with my friends, or going to the gym with a workout buddy, overall, I miss the companionship. Separated from family and friends is so hard, and I find myself trying to find ways to cope. I was planning on visiting one friend but decided it's best to stay in and follow the guidelines put forth, it was a hard decision to make but a smart one in the end. But let's not focus on how Pat is struggling, let's focus on what I am doing to make the best out of a rough time.
The main reason I started podcasting has a lot of different elements. Firstly, I am a Chatty Cathy and I love to talk shop, or just have a conversation about merely anything has I crave social connection as it builds me into a better person where the learning part comes in, I also wanted to bring in people who have taught me so much and that I learn from daily. I may not be able to toast you in person, but the oppurtunity to speak with all these amazing people is truly a blessing. Lastly, I want to help out anyone I can in our profession, the world, twitter, PHASE,EARCOS, has given me such an arsenal for my teaching and I would be selfish to not try to return the favor.
Working out is a huge part of my life and always has been; it's not because I want to be super shredded or buff...although would be nice ;). But the way it makes me feel, my worst days during social distancing are the days where I felt sorry for myself and didn't push myself physically. The days where I get after it, I feel great, I am motivated to work on new innovative ideas, and I just develop a cognitive cannon that starts blasting away ideas. I listen to music when I exercise, and there are different studies on how that affects one's workout, but I love it and it works for me. I used to be very avid in my music, and I missed it so much by just being so busy. I love punk rock, and I always will, maybe it's the past skater surfer in me but I have become so disconnected due to other things and I have trouble focusing on work if I play my music as I get into the songs HEAVY! So this has been a great time for me to dive into music I love and I am discovering new bands.
Find things that make the day different for you; not necessarily better, you need to start with different. For one week, do each day slightly differently and you will find that one day really sticks out as to how you want your days at home to go. Use that day as a model going forward.